Women Hospital Organic Traffic Growing by 240.26% with SEO-Structured Content

Our client is a American hosptial website. While they were ranking for some branded keywords, the goal was to get Google’s love for non-branded relevant ones.

The SEO project was kickstarted in October 2020. We knew that the market was flooded with industry giants, and we had some strong competition lined up on our path.

Not an easy job since the website was new and lacked authority and content. With a commitment to providing comprehensive care for women's health needs, the hospital sought to leverage SEO to increase organic traffic to its website and improve its search engine rankings.

This is what happened after our SEO and Digital marketing strategies implementation:

- Organic traffic increased by 155.20% and still growing fast.
- Impressions surged by 501.10%.
- Increased users engagement on the website
- Products Leads increased by 120.31%
- The website is also ranking for many variations of the targeted primary keywords.

Client Business Name

Women Hospital

Onboard Date

24 Oct 2020


Search Engine Optimization

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While quick-win SEO and content fixes were done in the initial two months of onboarding, smart strategies were continually implemented for a year. These included:

  • – Conducting detailed SEO audits.
  • – Managing technical issues to improve overall SEO health and score.
  • – Fixing duplicate and broken pages.
  • On-page optimization for service pages to rank for high-intent keywords.
  • – Creating SEO-structured blog content to rank for informational keywords and to build authority in the niche.
  • – Optimizing the content for review snippets, featured snippets, and FAQs.
  • – Sweet spot analysis to identify the power pages and boost them further on the SERP.
  • – Layered additional content on service pages.
  • – Developed a strategic link building strategy to acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable healthcare websites & medical directories
Optimize Your Keywords
Drive Traffic, Boost Conversions!
Transform Insights into Results
Craft Engaging Content
Captivate Audiences, Enhance Visibility!
Strategic Brand Awareness
Maximize ROI
Inspire Action, Drive Conversions, Dominate the Market!
Let's Dominate the Market
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